touchscreen suppliers

Kiosk Connectivity

Wireless Kiosk Connectivity Option

For connectivity for your self-service solution, is an authorized partner for OptConnect.

Pricing begins at $9.99 a month for 3G service. The modem is free.


provides wireless network connectivity for a variety of Kiosk and Vending applications. The OptConnect solution provides a more flexible, more robust, lower cost option for kiosk data connections and vending payment processing.

OptConnect provides a fully-managed service, supplying hardware, network connections from all of North America’s major carriers, and support services. Managed, end-to-end service allows integrators to add OptConnect to product offerings without introducing a complicated, time consuming new step in the process.

Secure Connectivity
OptConnect offers the same reliable and secure connection, traditionally achieved with landlines, using revolutionary wireless technology. Wireless operation on cellular networks enables faster transaction speeds and complete mobility.

Reliable Technology
The OptConnect 3G/4G LTE wireless gateways offer the same reliability as landlines at a much lower cost. Wider coverage, increased data transfer speeds and equipment dependability afforded by wireless service allows for greater flexibility of placement.

Simple Installation
Wireless connectivity allows for same-day device deployment, whereas installation of a landline-dependent device can encounter a number of delays and added costs.

Lifetime Warranty
OptConnect offers a lifetime warranty with advance overnight replacement in the rare event of equipment failure.

Learn more about our OptConnect services.

One of the most overlooked requirements by a kiosk developer or deployer is how that kiosk is going to connect to the Internet once installed (kiosk connectivity). This is generally a vital need because most kiosk deployers are doing so in order to create a revenue stream.

Connectivity Matters

In order to create a revenue stream, there is probably a need to accept payments or remotely update content, both of which are dependent on an Internet connection. In the era of cyber attacks and compromised IT infrastructures, it’s not uncommon to be barred from your install location’s network. All too often, we hear of installs going awry and being delayed by weeks or months due to IT Directors pulling the plug on allowing a vendor to utilize their internal network. This is a costly problem and it’s going to get worse before it ever gets better. At OptConnect, we have many kiosk deployers in various industries that keep one of our devices in their service vehicles waiting for that problem to strike because they’re prepared with a solution.

Here is overview of Digital Business resources

  • Digital signage consulting ranges from the hardware to the software (CMS).
  • Touch Screen Monitors – projects can require special touch screens. A different computer, a different bezel, even a different interface.
  • All In One Computers – these used to be tablets but these days we have 75″ tablet computers
  • Outdoor digital signage solutions
  • Menu Board technology for Restaurants and others — these days 55 inch is the smallest with 75 and 85 inch now mainstream
  • Lockdown browser solutions with built in accessibility and ADA features — this not only prevents hackers but it maintains compliance with Section 508 standards for accessibility
  • Smart Vending and Smart Lockers
  • Kiosk consulting from RFP writing, design, hardware, software, service, and warranties
  • Example RFPs for digital signage, smart city, Point-Of-Sale and more.  Eliminate mistakes in advance.

For more information

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